Saturday, February 21, 2009

Best hubby EVER!!!

So I just wanted to let everyone know that I have the best husband ever.  He surprised me at work yesterday to bring me flowers.  They were special because of many reasons: 

1.  They were my favorite! Gerba daisies.  Red, orange yellow.  They are such happy flowers.  You can't NOT smile when you seen them.  They radiate happiness!

2. There was 1 yellow rose.  Let me explain.  Jake is a very sentimental hubby.  For those of  you that know our history, Jake and I were best friends at the ripe young age of 12!  The very first gift he ever gave me was a yellow rose.  Yellow because it's the friendship rose and I believe he gave it to me for my birthday.  Since we started dating, any time Jake has ever given me flowers, there has always been 1 yellow rose somewhere in the arrangement.  Having a hubby that remembers things like that is very... AMAZING to say the least. Hands off girls! He's mine!

3.  They were just because flowers. No reason at all. No fight, no hurting of feelings, no "Honey, I spent a large amount of money without telling you".  Honestly, he gives me "just because" flowers a lot.  I don't mean to brag... but I kind of do!   They always surprise me because he has the timing down between deliveries.  My employees and co-workers love/hate him.  I only smile when they say, "You got flowers AGAIN?  Jake spoils you...I wish MY husband would do that for me. You've got a good man."  I smile my biggest smile and only agree with them.  I'll take all the teasing that comes along with a good husband.  

I left them at work. I'm there all the time. Why not enjoy them there where I can rub it in! But I realize that I'm an idiot and I forgot to take a picture of them to post.  I'll get one as soon as possible to show you! 

It's not just because of the flowers.  This just reminded me that I don't say it as much as I should.  I love you so much Jake!  Thank you for being such a wonderful husband, father and friend!  You mean the world to me and thanks for knocking on my door some 18 years ago!!!
I've won the prize.  I got the best man I could have ever asked for!


Sunday, February 8, 2009


Wow! I always seem to find myself with a lot to say... except when blogging.  I had not realized how long it's been since I last made a comment.  I'm honestly shocked that someone did not call and ask to see if I was still alive.  

So, you know when you're going along living life and everything is just hunky-dory then "BAM!" You see a picture of yourself and think, "Uh.... who's the fat lady standing with my husband?"  Well, this happend to me.  I've decided to take a stand against all those yummy foods that ALWAYS seem to jump out of the cupboard, follow me to the couch and cram themselves down my throat! I say no more!  You've had your fun with this gal, now move on to some of those 12 pound models that disgust us all!  I have never been great with sticking to my goal of  losing weight, so I figure if I let all of you know, then that will help me stick to it so that somewhere down the road I won't have to confess that I have done nothing to relieve myself from this shameful state.  So... here it goes!  Wish me luck!!

Alright! With that being said, I've got a serious life altering issue to discuss.   Which show do I drop???  The people at Fox and NBC have it out for me.  They have scheduled House and Heroes Monday nights at 8:00.  What am I to do?  I love them both!  Will Hiro Nakumura EVER get his powers back????  Will Cutty and House hook up???  I'm so confused.  Why can't they make a "Really-Good-Shows" network and play all the shows I love consecutivly so I won't have to miss a thing?  I would be a very big promoter for the RGS network.  If anyone has a truck-load of money to invest... we should talk!