Saturday, December 27, 2008


So at the numerous requests of my friends (and recent blogger hubby, Jake), I have decided to CAVE and create a blog.  I must admit, that I am not so good at the "computer" thing, so I cannot guarantee anything no comments from the peanut gallery!
As you can tell from my title, I am a huge movie fan.  One would think that I would eventually tire from watching hours and hours of cinematic adventures but I just can't bring myself  to stop.  Some of my favorites are Clue, Pride and Prejudice, National Treasure and HELLO.... Princess Bride anyone??? 
Another obsession I have is the Twilight saga.  And yes....I am "one of THOSE" people.  I received the first book last Christmas from Jake. Had he known what he was creating he probably would have buried the book in concrete and dropped in the ocean... if only we LIVED near the ocean.  I've read the series far too many times to count, listened to them on my iPod more times that I will ever admit and seen the movie.....well let's just say I'm still counting!  My entire family and friends know of the obsession and understand that I am beyond help.  They just roll their eyes and tell my I'm helpless when the topic comes up.  I have even turned my children.  I was a very proud "Twilight Mom" when my children started playing "Edward and Bella" the other day.  Mason keeps asking me when I'll take him to see the "vampire movie". In that he's almost 6 he'll just have to wait a bit longer. I am anxiously waiting for the next movie to be released...but I will have to calmly wait until they at least start to film it.  I know I'm a loser and need help, but I I enjoy it way too much! 
Anyway, please be forgiving with this blog as it will pale in comparison to all the others! Have a lovely evening and thanks for your friendships!! =)