On the opposite side of things, they are FAR smarter than me! Morgan just turned 4 and she's helping Mason with his homework. She's picks out small words in the books we read before I can get to them. The other day Mason asked me why it's called "shoes and socks" when we put the socks on first. My very sophisticated reply was, "......Uh...." Although they ask a ton of questions, I love listening to the way they think and process new things. I love the innocence of their little minds..
On to the funny side of things. This one I DO know where they learn it. Morgan LOVES to play hair. More importantly, she loves to play with MY hair. During this time she likes to be Mommy while I play Morgan. She was trying to put my hair into 3 or 4 pony tails when she said, "Morgan! Hold your head still! You're drivin' me nuts!" In my defense, my head was perfectly still. Apparently, she thinks playing the role of "Mommy" is to be short tempered and mouthy. Note: learning lesson for mom.
Anyway, I love my kids so stinking much. But where the crap do they learn the things they do?!